The start of All Things Flutter

A guide to getting good in Flutter. Follow me for weekly Flutter related topics.

Hi, I’m Joe

35 years old. Living in Vienna. I like to play Rocket League. Love reading books.

Why yet another Newsletter?

Because I want to give back to the community. I’ve been consuming so much Flutter related stuff and want to provide tutorials and pragmatic tips for Flutter devs.

I’ve been there

I was a junior dev once too. The things I talk about will be mostly about problems that my younger self encountered.

  • Can’t figure out which state-management to use?

  • Release to prod?

  • Wtf is CI/CD?

But I will probably also talk about some personal and productivity things?

  • Should I give up programming?

  • How to efficiently manage time?

  • How to build a knowledge system?

  • How to not feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of learning a Flutter dev has to do?

It will be weekly

Another selfish reason I want to create this newsletter is because I really want to start writing. And if I have even just one subscriber, I am accountable and don’t want to let someone down. I have to show up.

So, stay tuned, you will get your weekly dose of Flutter. Don’t know what day yet, but I guess it will be a Saturday.

First ever CTA

As this is about getting some subcribers. Click here to follow me.

Thanks guys.


or to participate.