Fast Flutter Template - Quick-start your Flutter app.

Stop doing the boring stuff. That's what I thought after building my 30th app. Every app has similar core components. Onboarding, Navigation, Dark/Light Mode, Settings, State-management.

Today’s post is going to be quite short and a little self-promotional (Which feels very awkward).

I created Fast Flutter Template. 

This is my take on a simple Flutter template that can be used to start a new project. It includes a few packages that I use in most of my projects, and a few other things that I find useful.

This year alone, I started 5 apps so far. The way I usually do it, is to copy most of my code from older projects into the new one. Adjust a few lines here and there. And after 2-3h we are all good, and I can start creating features.

And now I thought I will just create a template for you guys. Not all of the features I often use are in it, as I want to differentiate from my Pro offer.

The core features my free template uses:

  • auto_route for navigation

  • hive_flutter as a local database

  • flutter_riverpod for state-management

  • build_runner for code generation

You find a more detailed explanation in the README of the repo. But no more talking.

You can get it here for free:

Some bonus tips for you

  • Try to keep the IDE warnings at zero. This will help you become a better developer quickly.

  • Read the documentation of the above packages carefully

Fast Flutter Template (Pro)

Now to the self-promotion. Over the past weeks, I put a lot of hours and effort into building this template and website.

I would love your feedback on the design as well.

But let’s have a look at the template. Here is an overview of what’s included in the Free and Pro version of my template:

For now, this will only include Firebase and Rest APIs as a backend, but after the initial release, I’m planning to extend it to Supabase.

There will be a premium discord server for paying customers, as well as constant updates.

End of my self-promotion.

You can get the template here:

Any feedback is welcome. Either here or on LinkedIn.

Thanks guys for all the support.

Bonus: Here is an article I enjoyed this week.


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